Sunday 3 April 2011

Tango Dreams and Hidden Curfews

I returned tonight from a wonderful evening of dancing and meeting locals to get told off by the lady at the front desk. Apparently my dormitory building has an 11pm curfew. You think someone would have mentioned it when I moved in, no?

Tonight I ventured out to find the Hidden Dreams Tango Cafe. The name is very apt. A 5 minute walk from a subway station, the place is nonetheless very difficult to find. You have to go through a Chinese gate towards a darkened street full of looming grand houses, walk for about 50 meters, avoiding the sweeping leaves of willow trees, and then turn right, and there, in a distant corner, a neon sign declares the place to the world.

I showed up at 9.15pm on the grounds that I couldn't be bothered to go to the class at 7.30. There were about 4 people there. I asked one lady, am I in the right place? Am I late? Yes she said, it's the right place. You're early. Normally the cafe is not busy 'til 9.30, or 10pm.

Sure enough people arrived in dribs and drabs for the next hour or so. Several foreigners, as well as Chinese. I met Jane, from the North East of China, who spent a year in Sweden studying (which is where she learned tango and bought her glittery gold tango shoes). She was very friendly and even put up with my attempts at speaking mandarin. I also met an Englishman who teaches at another university, and is also studying Traditional Chinese Medicine. He danced quite well, for an Englishman. I was impressed. However the visiting Japanese businessman was the best dancer by far. He had a very distinct style, very dramatic with excellent timing.

Alas, I cannot return or I will be locked out of my building. Maybe one day... but for now, I can dance in my dreams.


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