Thursday 14 April 2011

Stop Thief!

The first time I saw a guy carrying a handbag in Beijing I looked around for the girl who had been robbed and thought 'how do I contact the police here?' And how do I say policeman in Mandarin? But no, the bag was not stolen. As you can see from the photograph, carrying your girlfriends handbag is just something sweet that boyfriends do here in Beijing. 

This couple are obviously very close – note the colour coordination of their respective outfits. His red shoes match her coat. And her handbag has gold bits that match the 'Feel Stylish' motto on the back of his coat.

Apparently PDA (public displays of affection) are a relatively new thing here. A few years ago you would not see couples hugging and kissing as you strolled through the park. The cutest PDA I've seen so far is next to Houhai lake. A few weeks ago (when the lake was still mostly frozen) a solicitous boyfriend blew on his hands to warm them up, then applied them to the freezing cheeks of his grateful girlfriend. Awww.

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