Saturday 19 March 2011

Weekly staff meetings: otherwise known as “Dinner”

My first official food blog opportunity – and I forgot to take a picture before we ate. As you can tell, the food was very good! The best part was eating 10 dishes between 7 people and each paying GBP2.40 including beer!

We have a great time choosing food: "That looks good! What is it? Umm... I think it might be chicken. Oh. It doesn't look like chicken. Maybe it's eggs – does the character for egg include chicken? I don't know. Let's order it anyway!"

My colleagues are an interesting assortment of ages, nationalities and temperament. And we all come to teaching from very different backgrounds. We also delight in discussing the school, the students, and swapping stories about the craziest things that have happened in class. We compared excuses for absence: "I have to go and drill lake cores in Tibet for three weeks as part of my aquatic geography major." "I've been studying magic with Harry Potter and I have learned to make a cloak of invisibility so even though you won't see me, I will actually be in class." "I have to go to Yunan for a week to visit the observatory for my astronomy major." And they say Chinese students have no creativity!

Gotta go, my particle physics reactor needs a tune up...


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