Tuesday 23 August 2011

'You know, you're crazier than you look!'

Yes, I have crossed that line, from mostly sensible, to slightly crazy person. I attended my first official b!ble conference. And it was awesome!

I have been singing with the African Choir at chvrch, which is like a cross between London Rev and the Pra!se and Worsh!p team at Hope. Awesome choral music, (lots of African songs mixed with Hillsongs et al) sung with ridiculous enthusiasm, loudly, into microphones, and accompanied by drums, guitar, piano, bass, and sometimes the tambourine (I get very excited by this so they don't encourage me to play it very often, as my rhythm is a bit random)!!

So, can you see the African Choir? Can you hear them singing? If it's helpful, think of the last time you heard me sing. Imagine that my voice is like a kitten miaowing, and next to me are five or six lions, roaring. Can you hear them now?

Now imagine that there is an African choir in every city in China, and that they all come together twice a year for a conference. Is there anything more wonderful than listening to a room of 350 people sing, soulfully, meaningfully, at the top of their lungs, pra!ses to Him? And further to clap and shout and dance in celebration?

The conference was basically three music sessions every day, followed by a speaker, and then some group discussion. I was with a couple of other conference freshies, and the first time the dancing started we watched, jaws on the ground, as a spontaneous mosh pit/line dancing group formed in front of the stage. The pure energy was exhilarating to watch.

The second time, we were ready - my new friends and I rushed to the front to take part! The trick is to figure out who is leading (which can be fairly fluid) and then to not trip over anyone else's feet. And also, to do whatever you do with 100% enthusiasm. You can't dance half heartedly here!

The Beijing crew were invited to lead one of the music sessions. We were all slightly nervous about this as our usual choir of 7+ singers with assorted musicians had dwindled to three singers, a drummer and two very reluctant musicians (she can hardly play the piano, and I can hardly play the guitar). But we were backed up by pr@yer, and He provided three incredibly talented musicians, an awesome set list, and a really good time slot. We sang on the second day, when we all still had some voice left, and were not completely exhausted, just on the edge of it!

We started with slow songs, deep songs, that normally you have to sing quietly. With this group, we could belt it out. We are encouraged to sing with our best voice, or most comfortable range, so I get the ridiculously squeaky high bits. It feels so good to sing out, loudly, as He intended, and to know that he is using you, and your voice, to reach out to people, to help people speak with him.

We intended to finish our set with a short fast song, and then something medium paced to calm people down. Well, within seconds of the fast song starting we had our very own mosh pit forming, who would not let us stop! They screamed, "More! More!" How could we disoblige? 30 minutes and several African songs I don't even know later, we staggered off stage, exhausted.

I know that many of my friends (and I love you regardless) look on my energy and enthusiasm for life with a kind of fear, and a "don't let me get infected" feeling. How can I express how wonderful it feels to be surrounded by people equally enthusiastic, equally on fire for Him, to walk His walk, to do His will, to trust in His crazy, amazing, and unimaginable plan for us. All I can say is Thank You! What a privilege have I been given. May I thank Him always for this gift.